On September 18, 2024, popular comedian Samuel Perry, who’s also known as Broda Shaggi celebrates himself as he turns 31.
He sent a message that touched the hearts of his fans. Through his message, he showed that not all birthdays are about cakes and laughter but a reminder of how fragile life is.
In an Instagram post, Broda Shaggi expressed profound gratitude to Almighty God for sparing his life stating he recently faced a near-death experience as he wrote “But this particular birthday is different cos the gift of life was almost taken from me recently but God showed himself and gave me another chance.”
While he didn’t reveal the specifics of the experience, his words expressed his gratitude for being alive as he said “For those who love me, God has already given me the greatest gift but if you wish to gift me today, all you need to do is listen to this Birthday song I made for myself”
This revelation from Broda Shaggi shocked us all, reminding us that life is unpredictable. His journey from facing death to celebrating another year is a testament to the goodness of God.
As fans and celebrities flood his comment section with birthday wishes and emotional support, it is clear that Broda Shaggi’s experience isn’t mere celebrity news but a moment for us to look inward and recount the blessings of God in our lives.